Brandintellé Success Story 

Aparna Shah
March 21, 2022

It's 2022. Getting lost in the misalignments with no centralized space for customer collaboration is commonplace. With multiple stakeholders involved in siloed communication and customers increasingly looking for outcomes and value, customer onboarding is more challenging than ever.

What if there’s a way to overcome these challenges?

Learn how BuyerAssist helped ​​Brandintelle delve into the customer-facing challenges and deliver value to their customers with a collaborative and frictionless experience. 

Brandintellé - Company Overview

​​Brandintelle is an enterprise marketing platform that provides marketers with end-to-end marketing operations and management solutions. With Brandintelle, marketing teams can orchestrate end-to-end planning, execution, and analytics, powered by one centralized platform.

Busting the Bottleneck with BuyerAssist Mutual Success Plans

The success of your business is inherently intertwined with the success of your customers. A seamless customer lifecycle journey keeps customers away from the churn and drives successful outcomes for internal and external stakeholders. 

Before BuyerAssist, Brandintelle did not have a centralized space where revenue teams and customers could collaborate seamlessly. This led to a lack of clarity between stakeholders regarding the next steps, due dates, key milestones, etc. 

Here’s how Brandintelle overcame significant challenges in their customer-facing  strategy with Mutual Success Plans: 

Life Before BuyerAssist

Despite significant efforts by the revenue teams at Brandintelle to streamline the sales and post-sales process, the biggest challenge they faced was the lack of visibility among their customers and internal teams at each touchpoint. 

Due to the large and complex sales cycles, Brandintelle further battled with misalignments between stakeholders regarding the next steps, key milestones, due dates leading to loss of trust. 

While Brandintelle could still keep track of the implementation status at their end, there was no visibility at the customer’s end. The customers were often left with the only option of calling the CS rep to get real-time project updates. 

This wasn’t an ideal scenario for Brandintelle.  

Get Brandintelle Case Study Now!

The Power of Mutual Success Plans

Brandintelle got introduced to the power of Mutual Success Plans by BuyerAssist. It aligned completely with the level of support that Brandintelle intended to provide to their large enterprise accounts. 

After implementing BuyerAssist Mutual Success Plans, siloed communications, earlier spread across various channels, are well documented in a single shared space that helped Brandintelle drive high execution, discipline, and transparency across multiple stakeholders. Additionally, there is an end-to-end understanding regarding the level of accountability, timelines, and recognizing the original source of delay. 

With BuyerAssist's mutual success plan, Brandintelle was successfully able to provide a shared, transparent space to internal and external stakeholders that further ensured the seamless implementation of intricate steps and significant milestones involved in closing a deal and winning customer’s trust across the post-sales journey. 

"Today, customers navigate through the mutual success plan several times a day to get updates on discussions that are going on internally. And this is giving us excellent insights. There is great activity happening at the buyer’s end, which before BuyerAssist, we had no insights on."

-Robin Das, CEO Brandintelle


  With BuyerAssist, you get an intuitive centralized platform for you and your customers! 

Life After BuyerAssist

The Mutual Success Plans have given Brandintelle a customer-blessed view into the sales and implementation cycles, leading to more objective business decisions.

Today Brandintelle's revenue teams can forecast success, identify risks and deliver a superior customer experience across the sales and implementation journey. BuyerAssist platform gives customers one-place-to-go to get answers to all questions. As a result, Brandintelle sees 100% engagement and participation across its mutual success plans. 

There was this one time when...

We faced a significant delay in implementation, primarily at the buyer's end. However, the buyer was very insistent in understanding why and how the delay occurred. So when we dug deeper into the date of milestones, we looked at why the dates were extended from the original Go-Live plan. We were able to articulate and share these details with our customers with the help of BuyerAssist's Mutual Success Plans. We also displayed and shared where our sellers had repeatedly dropped follow-up comments on specific milestones and how we were constantly following up on these tasks. It was visible that we did the right amount of follow-ups, yet there was a delay at the buyer's end. This is how the whole situation was brought under control as it was all documented in one centralized space with the help of Mutual Success Plans. 

Now what? 

Now that you know how BuyerAssist provides an impeccable customer experience, the next logical step is to try out a Mutual Success plan on your own! 

At, BuyerAssist, our buyer engagement platform enables you to provide your customers a single, integrated, collaborative engagement interface throughout their journey with you. This helps create a more transparent, outcome-oriented relationship with your customers, driving mutual accountability and a milestone-based approach in B2B seller-buyer relationships.

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