Introducing BuyerAssist Bot for Slack

Rahil Makhani
January 24, 2022
slack and buyerassist integrated featured image

Have you ever experienced the hurting pain when a high-value deal for a quarter slips because you missed tying up some loose ends in the past? 

Have you found yourself without a solid, reassuring response when your manager and others ask for deal updates, especially in the last few weeks of a quarter? 

Do you sometimes lose track of some action items and dependencies coming out of multiple customer conversations because they are scribbled in your notebook? 

Have you felt the challenge of driving accountability across all stakeholders - your side and customer side - in high complexity enterprise deals?

Do you think you could have lost some of your deals because you/your team was unable to convey the partnership aspects - responsiveness, customer empathy?

As a customer-facing player in the revenue team, you are constantly trying to be on top of your deals and customer relationships. If you answered yes to any of these questions above, then you'd appreciate that it's not an easy task. An average deal today has 10+ stakeholders and multiple threads of discussions going on, and an average pipeline has anywhere from 5-25 such deals in a quarter!

A purpose-built collaboration platform like BuyerAssist is a great start to solving this problem by driving alignment with your buying teams and documenting key points of agreement, open questions, etc. But you still have to stay on top of all your Mutual Success Plans. At BuyerAssist, we know that we won't be delivering the desired value for our users if we don't help them with this problem. 

And that is why we're proud to announce that we have combined the power of BuyerAssist Mutual Success Plans with Slack’s channel-based messaging. 

Slack is one of the most popular internal communication systems for most of our customers. Integrating your BuyerAssist instance with Slack, helps you stay on top of all your Mutual Success Plans in real-time and in the flow of your work, access critical information across all your deals in a matter of seconds, and be super-responsive and empathetic to customer needs. This means fewer surprises and deal slips!

Not just that, we're very excited about how much this will help our users with their day-to-day productivity by making sure that nothing important gets missed in terms of organizing their day and getting things checked off systematically.

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Say hi 👋 to the BuyerAssist Bot for Slack!

Here are a few things that you can get done with the BuyerAssist bot.

#1 Real-time buyer engagement notifications:

Never miss a single update on your Mutual Success Plans 

As a BuyerAssist user, you’re quite likely to be an obsessive fan of the Mutual Success Plan to manage multiple relationships. The BuyerAssist Bot for Slack ensures that you’re notified every time there’s any update to your Mutual Success Plan. This means that you get back to your customers in real-time and move the relationship forward while they’re thinking about you.

#2 Daily selling team highlights:

Plan your days effectively for maximizing success

Do you dread managing action items and due dates across all your deals as calendar invites, notepad, or in a notebook? There’s always the risk of losing track of some things, especially when it’s an action item on someone else. Don’t worry, we got you! With the BuyerAssist Bot for Slack, you’ll receive a daily message highlighting the key tasks across your Mutual Success Plans which are either overdue or due for the day. This way, you ensure that your deals don’t slip even for a single day, and in case they do, you have pro-active discussions to course-correct them before it’s too late.

Bonus: We’ve also made it possible for you to check off on your tasks from the Slack interface itself. This means you can keep all your Mutual Success Plans up to date in a matter of very few clicks every morning! 

#3 Daily manager highlights:

Improve the effectiveness of your 1-1 with manager/deal reviews

Any customer-facing rep or manager will tell you that almost 50% of the time in a 1-1 goes into updates, taking away from time that could be used for discussing strategy and areas of help. We saw an opportunity to help with this. With the BuyerAssist Bot for Slack, your managers also receive a daily message highlighting key developments in your deals over the last 24 hours, and with the BuyerAssist product, they can review these changes at any time and also share their inputs. This means that your 1-1/ deal reviews can have a lot more time for discussions that will actually move the business forward.

This is just the beginning. We’re working on some cool new features with the BuyerAssist Bot for Slack, that will double down on the power of both these platforms. Your ability to work seamlessly with these two platforms will extend into searching, accessing information, acting on notifications, etc. That should be good for a sneak peek, our team is very excited to bring these features into action for you soon. So keep looking at this space for more updates. 

Until then, keep selling and happy closing with BuyerAssist! :) 

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